Anger Management – Westfield, NJ
A Path Towards a Calmer & Balanced Everyday Experience
Have you noticed that you tend to get irritated or upset at random or insignificant things? Do you typically get angry or lash out, often doing or saying things that you later regret? While anger is a normal emotion to have, it could also be an indication of an underlying problem. If this is the case, our team at Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center can help address your situation with anger management in Westfield. Oftentimes, this could be a sign of depression, and we can provide you with the resources and tools necessary to help you overcome your circumstances. Read on to learn more or call us to schedule a visit today.

How Is Anger & Depression Related?

Depression is perhaps the most common mental health issue, and the treatments for this condition will vary from person to person. In many cases, feeling angry can play a significant role, as it’s destructive and is likely to lead to more severe depressive symptoms and negative consequences. Furthermore, according to a study from 2013, those who fail to cope with anger properly can turn this feeling inward, causing or worsening depression. Without the proper ways of redirecting anger for healthier behavior against depression, a person can end up feeling victimized, isolated, guilty, and worthless—all common symptoms of severe depressive episodes.
Who Is More Susceptible to Anger Issues?

In many instances, men have a higher propensity for expressing external signs of anger when depressed while women tend to turn their anger inward, displaying signs of irritability. Those who are depressive and experience complications with anger are also usually younger, female, and aren’t likely to be college-educated. Other demographics with a tendency for anger and depression problems include:
- People who experienced abuse during childhood
- Those younger than 45 years of age
- Unemployed individuals
- People with individual incomes less than $20,000 or family incomes less than $35,000.
- Those who are widowed, separated, divorced, or never married
What Are the Indications of Anger?

Unlike most depressive symptoms, anger cannot be diagnosed. It can often vary in range and degrees but can point to deeper problems if expressed uncontrollably. Anger is most likely displayed in three ways:
- Irritability – Those who are irritable might overreact or get angry over things that aren’t important
- Hostility – Being aggressive towards others or expressing signs of anger is considered hostility
- Anger Attacks – Intense episodes that quickly escalate and/or are out of proportion to the emotional trigger are referred to as anger attacks
Treatment Options for Anger Management

Although medications help treat the upfront symptoms of depression, they alone cannot truly resolve or alleviate maladaptive anger. If you’re struggling with creating positive, adaptive traits from feeling angry, you’ll want to consider visiting a psychiatrist in a clinical setting. One of the best ways to tackle depressive and aggressive disorders is a combination of pharmacological medicines and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). You’ll work with a psychiatrist to help you understand your anger and develop skills to cope with it healthily and positively. Since CBT is also effective for depression, our team can help you tackle both situations so that you can enjoy a more balanced lifestyle.